Friday, July 30, 2010

Make a "y" for better chipping

View the video below that shows how to make a "y" for better chipping.


-Make the "y" with your arms and club shaft

-Maintain the "y" for solid contact with the ball

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Chosing the Right Golf Ball

When I fit golfers for golf balls I like to start from the green and work back to the tee. Every golfer no matter how low or high their handicap will hit more shots to the green than off the tee. Shown below are some statistics that will help you understand.

If you shoot...

PAR - <36>22 shots to the green, 14 shots with the driver

80 - 36 shots on the green, >30 shots to the green, 14 shots with the driver

90 - >36 shots on the green, >40 shots to the green, 14+ with the driver

100 - >36 shots on the green, >50 shots to the green, 14+ with the driver

These statistics show that more golfers will improve with a golf ball that will give them better results to and around the green.

Keep in mind that it is a misconception that hard golf balls fly farther than soft golf balls. In fact, Titleist says that there is only a 4 yard difference off the driver between the Pro V1X and NXT golf ball.

To sum up, find a golf ball that gives you the best feel and results to and around the green. Buy balls by the sleeve to start and try them in real on course conditions. If you need help, ask one of your PGA Professionals today!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Putting Posture

Putting posture is an important element of a good putting game. Getting yourself into the proper posture will allow you to create the best pendulum stroke you can. I look for the following 3 fundamentals in putting.

Eyes over ball – When the eyes get over the ball it gives you the best view of the target line.
Arms underneath shoulders – Your elbows should be slightly bent with your arms hanging directly over the shoulders. This position allows your arms to swing freely.
Weight balanced over center of feet – the hips should line up directly over your heels. This allows you to keep your body and head still throughout the stroke.

Please note in these photos how the hips are over the heels, arms are under the shoulders, and the eyes are over the ball. Get yourself into this putting posture to improve your putting today!