I recently read an article called "Are Golf Lessons Worth the Price?" This article mentioned every aspect of getting a lesson starting with selecting the golf professional and finishing with follow up. One key point I took from this reading was in regards to practice. Bobby Ryatt who wrote the article says that the student needs to ask the golf professional how much practice time they need in between lessons. I think this is a great question!
Most of my students do not practice enough between lessons. I have to be honest, it is a disservice to and your golf instructor if you do not practice after a lesson. From the students point of view, he or she needs to take time to work on the new swing keys that came from the last lesson to help make them permanent. If you are paying $75 for a one hour lesson and you arrive to your next lesson without any practice of these keys, the instructor will have to reinforce lesson 1. That reinforcement aids you in losing most of the $ value of your second lesson. That same problem exists from the instructor's point of view. The teacher has hopes that you will have practiced everything from lesson one in order to introduce new keys in the second lesson.
I recommend that students take at least 2 days to practice after each lesson before they even consider seeing me again. It helps even more if they can make it out to the golf course and play following those two days of practice. I love it when students come to me with questions regarding issues with what they have practiced or played after our last lesson. I do understand that many of you work and practice becomes difficult to schedule around life. But do yourself a favor and work on the keys that your golf professional gives you before you schedule another lesson so that you are making your "golf lessons worth the price."
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